
the thrill is to keep envisioning what can be

-Oprah Winfrey

Coach Annie Karrick

To each coaching session, Annie brings with her decades of HR experience in multiple Fortune 500 companies, not for profit institutions, and multi-national corporations.  Drawn to HR as a college student, she saw the beautiful mix of people and business that happens in an effective HR Function. Around 2015, she became interested in coaching and the impact it can have on individuals and groups.

The power of coaching comes from achieving self-awareness and appropriately challenging an individual to move forward in a way that will best serve himself.

A life-time lover of written and visual art, Annie values the impact that words and images can have on how we view and succeed in our professions. In the Envisioneering Up process, Annie challenges her clients to create or find actual images of where they are and where they want to be. In coaching sessions, she listens not only to the words that clients use, but the tone and energy with which those words are said.  Metaphors and images are welcomed and encouraged in all sessions!

When Annie is not coaching people or working as an internal HR leader, she can be found picking up after her family, attending their events, reading a good memoir, or learning more about enjoying the perfect cup of tea.  To clear her head, she takes her dog, Clarabelle, on a walk - no headphones required.



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